I have difficulty enough with sitting down for multiple hours on end let alone with someone talking. My poli-sci teacher just has the most relaxing voice like you wouldn't believe. Like a pair of cooing doves having discourse on the rights of man through the eyes of Hobbes.
I think I'm in Love
And I'm supposed to take notes? I can hardly stay awake.
I come in mad tired anyway at 8am, how can a man not get lulled to slumbers peaceful and content?
My class notes have indeed suffered. My hand can not keep good will with the paper upon which I scribe.
Here, let me put it a manner we can all understand. For a picture speaks leagues for what words can only stutter.

Can you read that shit? I can't. And I'm supposed to study off it. I even pulled the classic "pen on paper, go to doze, and make an awkward line down the page" at various points. That is the power under which I am a slave. Perhaps her witchcraft is method to an end of her own - I know not. But I'll be damned to hell and back again if I should pull straight D-'s or worse in this class.
I think I'm in Love
And I'm supposed to take notes? I can hardly stay awake.
I come in mad tired anyway at 8am, how can a man not get lulled to slumbers peaceful and content?
My class notes have indeed suffered. My hand can not keep good will with the paper upon which I scribe.
Here, let me put it a manner we can all understand. For a picture speaks leagues for what words can only stutter.

Can you read that shit? I can't. And I'm supposed to study off it. I even pulled the classic "pen on paper, go to doze, and make an awkward line down the page" at various points. That is the power under which I am a slave. Perhaps her witchcraft is method to an end of her own - I know not. But I'll be damned to hell and back again if I should pull straight D-'s or worse in this class.
testing. testing. 123.