Chad Tweak #7- 4 (8.5 min)
6:06 PM
Josh stands - lucky s.o.b. - and looks down the hall to the double doors. I can hear shouting. On the back of my chair hangs a backpack; same one I've had since 8th grade. I take out a picture and stare at it. I think it's my ex, Kinki. She was...hmm...seems like a lifetime ago now but I guess it was only a month before "The Event" that we split. I wonder if she made it down here too.
There are books in my bag but I can't read any of the titles. The shouting down the hall increases. A birthday card? I open it and almost laugh a bit. A recording of my Auntie Annie belts out in song, praising me for making it to college.
"Ineedtogetout! I need to get OUT!" The double doors slam open and closed. A man, he's big, forces his way at a near sprint down the crowded hall. He's heading for the other end, he's being chased by people in uniform. He reaches the end and is forcing himself upon a lever or something.
A yellow light and a siren go off - scattering my thoughts.
Gunfire hurts so much.
The man isn't moving any more.
The uniform people turn off the alarm. I just sit there.
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