Brain Fart + Ass Aneurysm

The theme didn't hold. I'm going to throw that out there now that we should have gone a separate way from the beginning. I became (tried to become (perhaps a little half-halfheartedly)) a boy - NAY - an adolescent who's rich and typical college experience was still beyond my meager scope. YES, a challenge and maybe a little but of a creation but I forgot one thing. I get bored.

My fictional experiences are not what I have been trying to force myself to describe 8 times per month. Hence my retreat to the "experimental Chad." The poor guy, he's got split personality disorder on like 5 different levels (how he hasn't gone off the deep end I can only gander - distantly of course). I'm starting to think that we should have gone with something more serious, like zombie apocalypse, or nuclear apocalypse, or oh oh, natural hazard apocalypse...

But we are almost through with everything and I still need to put out something. So I'm going to go ahead and try to crap gold for the next few weeks but I'll be surprised if we don't all end up stepping in something worth more than oxidized iron. I'll just keep experimenting with the various fractals of Chad's inner psyche, consistency to hell, its enjoyable.

Tweak #6: back to chad (experimental)

The natty was oh so sweet for a Wednesday. I was chillin heavy with some bros in our common room (my room, where the action happens) and pounding back cold ones. We had some 'tourage goin from the DVD's I own and had a good start to the night. Still was pre-10pm so a bit of Madddon 2010 was in order with the Patriots taking the win (pounds all'round to my boiz, you know where you come from you KNOW where you come from). 11pm hit the clock and we hit the town and you know the rest by this point.

Only downside to the night was trying to get someone to buy us some awesome sauce down by PSB. It's been hard getting the hookup but we got it. But while we were waiting this half retarded guy, dressed mostly alright, but obviously drunk off his ass, kept trying to sell me his "refurbished" laptop. He probably stole it to be honest, the thing didn't have a single scratch to speak of. Anyway I was having none of it and bounced as soon as my connect came out with the goods. Partied up north st. righteous, got drunk enough to not mind the walk back to the dorms.

Goodnight Pearl St, goodnight sketchy dude with laptop, goodnight Wednesday.


 So, I've decided to be shameless in the face of another potential blog vote loss!  Sometimes you just have to play dirty, ya know?

What do you like about the Chad Lebowski Blog?  What would you like to see more of? Particular style of posts, or character that you like to hear from?  Make yourself heard about what ticks you off, what confuses you, what posts you loved, what styles you think are cool, and what YOU think should be going on here.

Give us suggestions in the comment box below.  Appreciated.


So, as unfortunate as it is I am a giant, diehard fan of the Philadelphia Eagles.  You might think, how on earth did you become a fan of the damn Eagles?  Don't ask.  I somehow fell in love with their electrifying style of play, and winning ways when I was just a young lad. Tragic huh?

However, I just got finished watching a game with the undefeated Saints (who mercilessly annihalated the Eagles a few weeks back), and have now seen that without a doubt the Saints are the best team in the league.  At 7-0 , it's hard to say they aren't, and they have absolutely everything.  A power back, a fast back, 2 big receivers, 2 fast receivers, All star tight end, great O-line, and one HELL of a quarterback.  Not to mention their stars on defense.

Now the question is, Are the Saints better than the Patriots?  :-O

I know, every NFL fan reading this is probably a Patriots fan, and A: Vomited when they saw I was a fan of the Eagles, and B: Scoffed at the thought of the Saints being comparable to the Pats. 

I would like to say that I too vomit at the thought of being near a Patriots fan, so don't worry, the feeling is mutual. On another note, although the Saints have been good before, they have never been quite like this.  They have never been so dynamic, and never have they so methodically destroyed teams like they have been doing this year. 
Well whats the point in fighting over it right?  They are both good teams, and we'll see at the end of the year?  No.

Luckily for us, 4 weeks from now the Pats will set foot in the Superdome, where they will be royally rocked on national television. 

Meet the best team in the league.  The Saints are for real.

In The Archives

Ever found yourself enjoying older technology, even in the face of the new age?

While there are games out like Madden 10, Halo 3, and Beatles Rock Band (all of which I have), I continuously find myself blasting off red shells in Mario Kart, or jumping on enemies in Super Mario World, solving the worlds problems in Zelda, or even play ultimate baseball (where you can make your pitches invisible!).  While newer games have become "better" because they are more realistic (some of them you feel like you are actually there!), gone are the days when you could grab a star and become invincable, or shoot fire from your bear hands. 

It's a shame.

First Timer

This weekend, I enjoyed my first NFL football game!

Granted, it was between the Houston Texans, and Buffalo Bills, two fairly worthless teams, aside from T.O. and Andre Johnson (sorry to all the New Yorkers I just offended), It was still an incredible experience.

The first thing I noticed was how small the damn field is!  They make those fields look epically large on TV, and they are even smaller than a highschool soccer field!  However, the electricity in the stands completely made up for my disappointment in the size of the field.  The fans were wild, the food was terrible and $10, and the pros put on a show.

It don't get no betta!


If you went out on halloween night, you probably expected to find some ghosts, intermittent vampires, maybe even some princess' (oh yeah)

What you found was Bunnies, motorcycle chicks, whores, Hugh Heffners, and some with a flare of creativity.  You realize that what you have come upon is not in fact halloween, but halloween transformed into something else entirely...

The Slutpocalypse.

Yes, The Slutpolcalypse has arrived, and every girl on campus gets to dress as outlandishly hot as they can stand, AND get away with it.  While it sounds like it has a negative connotation, this holiday is actually a complete win for everyone involved.  Seriously, best holiday ever.  I hated Halloween, but the Slutpocalypse?  I can dig it.


Cool so it looks like we've got a few/many new "faces" around these parts recently (within the past 12 hours). I certainly hope everyone is enjoying themselves.

My thoughts on children:
- adorable from a distance
- messy
- miss the toilet when they try to piss
- loud
- shorter than me

...this actually describes most of my peers...

I sit for WAY too long in once place sometimes. I wonder what I would do with all the time I could save by not sitting in one place. How far could I walk across the country if I had a lifetime of about 30min/day. I'm sitting down now and I'm just about through with THAT.

Chad Tweak #5?: Eighteenth Centurian Party Animal

A dark and festive revelry we commenced in these days now past most proximately. Our carnal natures finally expressed by the garbs in which we chose to adorn ourselves. Merry was the night, and substances of nature's own boon were hailed for their potency.

I myself fancied the bourbon of Bullet. 1858 - a very fine year. And I was awash with the fever of Hallow's Eve. Me and my fine gentlemen with morning coats to sport amidst the frocks and damsels of greater Burlington. Though I do wish I could have taken the night with my now past Elenore, taken by consumption years hence.

But for the one night, I need not grieve and night be worthy of future praise. And as such, I paraded around my auto-mobile until a mansion of dark and insidious desire did catch my eye. And there, in the basement, under the tromping of feet and the throbbing of dance, did I find a group of individuals; their faces obscured by smoke and their laughter intoxicating. I was not there long as Eve herself pulled me from the room to discuss my top hat and pocket watch.

I hope to God this "temperance movement" never finds more success than the fleeting thoughts I give it.


Hey Chad, this was a great weekend man. I had so much fun. I wish there was two halloweens every year. haha. Well, just passing by brother, take care. peace.

Is this funny HAlloween Week? haha

I got one.. ;-) After numerous rounds of searching. "We do not know if Bin Laden is still alive "Osama decided in his own hand writing to let him know he was still in the game. Bush opens the letter and it appear to contain a secret coded message 370HSSV-0773H
Bush was baffled, so he typed it out and emailed it to Colin Powell, Colin and his aides have no clue either so they send it to the CIA. Months went passed. USA was put on red alert and it was placed in a state of self imposed curfew. So it went to NSA, then to MIT, NASA and to the Special Secret Service. Eventually they asked Britain's MI6 for help. They cabled the White House "Tell the President he is looking at the message upside down". lol

yoO ChAd!

So i was on the bus last night when I suddenly realized I needed to fart. The music on the bus was really loud. So I timed my farts with the beat. After a couple of songs, I started feeling better as I am approaching my stop. As I am leaving the bus, people are really staring me down and looking really angry. That's when I remembered, I've been listening to my ipod!! lol true story dog...

Ever WOnDeR....

Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin? Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed? Why you dont see the headline "Psychic wins lotto"? Why is abbreviated such a long word? Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"? Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons? Why is the person who invests all your money called a broker? Why is the time of the day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food? When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it? Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections? If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

haha Nice joke.. well learn from this one! ;-) true story.

A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field. While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was. The dung was actually thawing him out. He lay there al warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.
(1) Not everyone that shits on you is your enemy
(2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend
(3) And when you are in deep *&^%, it is best to keep your mouth shut.

Agree or not?


hey, short one!!
Johny is sitting in class doing math problems and the teacher picks him to answer a question, "Johny, if there are five birds on a tree and you kill one of them. How many would be left?" Johny says, NONE. None? why none? Johny replies, because if you kill one bird, the other ones will fly away. "Well the answer is four, but i like the way you are thinking." Then Johny says, ok i have one for you miss. "If there were three women eating ice cream cones in a shop... one is licking her cone, the second biting her cone, and the third one sucking her cone... Which one is married?" "Well," said the teacher nervously. "I guess the one sucking the cone? "No," said little Johny. "The one with the wedding ring on her finger, but I like the way you are thinking."


I LOVE chocolate and I was eating these the other day because it's Halloween.. duhhhh and i went trick or treat -ing with my sibblings, haha. And of course you crossed my mind, look.. :)

long time no see you :(

Soo.. it has been a long time that i havent seen you and last night I saw you at the bars. I did not say hi because you do not care anyways. I am tired of being behind your ass and you dont even give me a chance to even see me. Oh well, I hope it is not too late when you realize what I am. Ttyl. bye.